“I can only describe my experience here as nothing more than life-changing. I have enjoyed every second, every moment and every day at UC Davis! Once I return home to Indonesia, I can certainly say that UC Davis, the Global Study Program and all my friends will always hold a special place in my heart. Some of my most treasured memories here include volunteering for the American Red Cross, the Global Study Program Thanksgiving Party and the Design of Coffee Lab Class! One thing I hope to accomplish here is to do as much volunteering as I possibly can. Volunteering is not only a way for me to meet new people and gain a multitude of skills and experiences, but it also empowers me to have a compassionate heart and a confident spirit. I believe that the eclectic mix of resources and outreach that the Global Study Program provides, along with the learning environment at UC Davis, will enable me to achieve this particular goal.” —Gregory Josefano, Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences, Indonesia
I am genuinely thankful for all the courses I took at UC Davis, which significantly developed my interest in English literature and global communication. After I finished in the Global Study Program, I was able to handle my studies at my home university easily, and I had the confidence to participate in several different internships/jobs that require cross-language communication. The program granted me the ability to work in transnational environments.” Ruobing Chu (China), 2017 GSP student, now working as an editor in international journalism

“UC Davis is a renowned university especially when it comes to sustainability, which I am interested in. Through the Global Study Program, I am taking upper division engineering classes and learning new things in many different fields of engineering, which broadens my knowledge. Studying abroad is a great opportunity to get to know different fields outside of my engineering studies. Next quarter, I am going to take some economics classes, which will also be helpful for my career options. I am enjoying my time at UC Davis. Most courses are very interesting and well taught. Also, the campus life is very nice—so many people biking around campus is definitely a highlight. When not in class, I have travelled around California and saw San Francisco, Los Angeles, Yosemite National Park and Silicon Valley to see the headquarters of the big tech companies. I also joined the Men's Volleyball Club, and next quarter I want to do research at a UC Davis lab.” —Julian Mogk, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Mechanical Engineering (MS)
The Global Study Program helped motivate me to pursue a more ambitious future in academics. My time with the professors in the program especially solidified my decision to pursue a master's degree abroad.” Terra Dei Alibazah (Indonesia), 2021 GSP student, now working on her undergraduate thesis in mathematics at Jenderal Soedirman University

"I recommend the Global Study Program because you can get involved with a lot of activities. I’ve become more confident. I want to understand more now."—Phan Dinh Dang, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam
Even after starting my graduate studies at UCLA, the benefits of the Global Study Program continued to support and enhance my academic pursuits. It has truly been a transformative experience, paving the way for my achievements to date.” Ryotaro Okada (Japan), 2019 GSP student, now a third-year student in the Master of Architecture program at UCLA

"The Global Study Program changed me a lot. Being abroad is such a good experience, and it shapes your character and your personality. You can look at yourself and your own country from a different perspective. The program also helped improve my social skills, made me more confident and outgoing, improved my English skills and gave me the chance to make friends from different social, cultural and economic backgrounds. I am thinking about my time at UC Davis a lot, carry it in my heart and am planning on visiting in the next couple of years with my family to give them an impression of the place and the university that shaped me so much."—Ann-Kathrin Allekotte (Germany), 2014 GSP student, now working at Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf as a research assistant at the Institute for Media and Cultural studies and pursuing a Ph.D.
I can’t thank the Global Study Program enough for all the great memories, precious moments and exceptional learning experiences at UC Davis. GSP has helped me better understand the true meaning of diversity and collaboration." Raihan Lutfianto (Indonesia), 2021 GSP student, recently awarded a fully funded scholarship from the Indonesian Government to pursue a master's degree in automotive and manufacturing engineering at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor

"UC Davis provides a positive experience with individual attention from faculty, small departments, and they accommodate international students."—Jessica Clark, University of Adelaide, Australia
The Global Study Program made my portfolio stronger and allowed me to be accepted into many graduate programs. The most memorable experience for me was the town of Davis itself. It was a breath of fresh air; I loved cycling with my friends and going on long walking/cycling trips." Adhiraj Bhagawati (India), 2021 GSP student, now pursuing a master's degree in game design and development at Rochester Institute of Technology

"UC Davis students are open, friendly and helpful. I feel more confident, both in my communication ability and my willingness to try new things. I started working out and ran a five kilometer race."—SuYoung Park, Ewha Womans University, South Korea
The Global Study Program provided me with a unique opportunity to immerse myself in a different academic and cultural environment. This exposure broadened my perspective, challenged my assumptions, and fostered a greater appreciation for diversity. It helped me develop a more inclusive and open-minded approach to my studies and professional endeavors. During the program, I also had the privilege of being in touch with Professor Acredolo, who was conducting fascinating research. This experience played a pivotal role in improving my research skills and nurturing my passion for investigation, setting a strong foundation for my future scholarly pursuits." Neil Briand Arias Silva (Chile), 2018 GSP student, now working as a professor teaching English as a Foreign Language.

"The Global Study Program offered me a great opportunity to study and to do projects in a different academic environment with amazing professors and students from all over the world. It helped me reach a high level and be well prepared for further education after graduation."— Xi Wang, Nanjing University, China
The GSP experience was beyond my expectations. It encouraged me to be brave and openminded. The GSP team really helped me get integrated to the local life and eased me from the stress or pressure of a totally new environment and allowed me to explore the possibilities in life. The program also helped me discover what I really love. I was able to take courses from different departments and all the professors are very inspiring." Yi Shen (China), 2013 GSP student, now working as a civil servant for the government of Xuhui, Shanghai.

"The Global Study Program has changed my life. The experience was more fantastic than I had imagined possible. The professors were extremely helpful, the academic atmosphere was perfect, and I could participate in so many activities. I truly benefited from my experience in the classroom, making friends and working on a research project. I am certain I am a better person than I was one year ago."— Zhiyuan Ma, Zhejiang University, China
What I learned in GSP has been contributed to my career so much. I have learned the importance of understanding a different culture and people from a different background in the program, and that mind
helped me with working with the local people in Saipan to smoothly communicate. I could broaden my perspective thanks to GSP, and I would like to keep on studying to expand my possibility in the future as well." Akinori Tani (Japan), 2016 GSP student, now working for Skymark Airlines
"The first quarter I had Linguistics and the University Writing Program. I liked them. The professor was really good. He made things so interesting. He was really helpful, and gave me a lot of points for things to follow."—Magnus Barmoen, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
Being in Davis helped me become more relaxed being in a new environment and also become more international—speak more English and understand other cultures. This is very much how it is today in my daily work, so having that experience had been a great asset." Jørgen Russwurm (Norwary), 2011 GSP student, now working as an assisting vice president claims adjuster
"UC Davis and California offer so much. I traveled a lot, I made friends, I tried out new sports. I would have liked to stay longer. Whatever you’re interested in there is something for you. If you ever wanted to do something, and you couldn’t because it wasn’t in your home university, UC Davis probably has it."—Friederike Metz, RWTH Aachen, Germany
My time at UC Davis has turned me into a more adventurous, open-minded and curious person. The classes I took at UC Davis benefit me to this day working in an international company with clients from all over the world. I'm certain that my experience in the Global Study Program helped me obtain a teaching visa in Japan where strict immigration policies can make it very challenging for non-native speakers to receive language teaching visas. I'm not only very grateful for having had the opportunity to study at UC Davis, but also recommend anyone considering the Global Study Program to apply as you never know where this journey make take you. I know for sure I would not be where I am today without this experience and looking back it was one of the best times of my life." Marc Hochheimer (Germany), 2012 GSP student, now working in consumer goods as the sales team lead
"I enjoyed playing soccer and intramural sports, singing in the chorus and talking to friends. UC Davis gave me a lot of chances. Fall quarter, I joined the leadership center for workshops."—Keisuke Tatsukama, Hosei University, Japan
Without the Global Study Program, I would not be the same person. GSP gave me the courage and opportunities to work in the US and overseas, which led to who I am today." Kana Dodo (Japan), 2013 GSP student, now working as a marketing coordinator and business owner
"Going to college the American way: I rocked with 'Aggie Pride' and loved the togetherness of UC Davis students."—Christoph Henrichs, Heinrich-Heine University Duesseldorf, Germany
The GSP has helped me to gain a new drive for where I wanted to be in life. I've met inspiring people, learned a lot in my field of political science that I still feed upon today. People in and around UC Davis embodied a positive, active attitude to life, and I found it very valuable to adopt that mindset for my future endeavors." (Christoph Winterbach (Germany), 2012 GSP student, now working as a data journalist at Der SPIEGEL
"Today, I’m a different person with a much better idea of who I am and what I want do with life. I’ve made amazing friends from all over the world. This was the greatest study abroad experience. Davis is an amazing place to live and study."—Marc Hochheimer, Heinrich-Heine University Duesseldorf, Germany
Hoping for a peaceful environment, I chose UC Davis. I had heard so much about the people and how kind and relaxed they were. The subjects here are far more practical based and helpful towards a career. Getting used to the quarter system was tough, but when you figure it out and manage your time adequately, it will be rewarding. The professors encouraged class participation, which made me converse even more in classes and express ideas that I didn't know existed and ask questions which made my understanding of the concepts even better. Making friends was one of the best moments in the program. It was an amazing experience.” Sarveshkumar Kumaraguruparan (India), 2023 GSP student majoring in computer science engineering at SRM Institute of Science and Technology
"The experience at UC Davis prepared me for the next challenges ahead."—Shao-Fang Wang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
"During these six months that I lived in Davis, I improved my English skills, had the privilege of living with people from all cultures, and learned new lab techniques that I brought back to my home university. Also, these few months as an Animal Science student helped me choose my future career after graduating."—Flavia Yamakawa, State University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
"Wonderful teaching resources, and the university facilities are superior. I enjoyed campus life, learned a lot and had fun, too!"—Ziqi Yin, Jiangnan University, China
"This year at UC Davis has been amazing; both when it comes to school and all the new friends I made."—Karoline Kaasa, Norwegian University of Life Science, Norway
"Every course I took was great. My English ability improved, and I gained a better understanding of what I would like to pursue in the future."—Pearl Lin, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
"I made a lot of American friends at UC Davis. Everyone encouraged and challenged me to study and think about my future. Awesome California weather, considerate GSP advisers, safe location and perfect place for travelling, and studying! I will miss UC Davis!"—Youmi Oh, Ewha Woman’s University, South Korea
"UC Davis was really exciting and fantastic! As a science student, the advanced instruments in the UC Davis laboratories and the abundance of academic articles in the library helped me understand the chemical structures and properties of molecules. I also worked in Professor Charles Shoemaker’s laboratory in the Food Science Department."—Tian Tian, Jiangnan University, China